YouWave Android 2.1.2 for PC Full + Crack

High performance - The fastest way to run Android on pc
Ease of Use - Easy to install. Easy to import and run apps

Version 2.1.2 has been released with a new Always-On-Top feature. Users want to run YouWave WHO on the other side with windows and want YouWave window to be always visible can now try it out.

The feature was suggested by our forum member reconx86 (, WHO created the "How to install WHATSAPP on PC" YouTube video.

YouWave's downloads and usage continuously reach new high records. Especially During the last few weeks, We have seen healthy growth driven by users' organic demands. Our users like our product for its easy to install and run apps on all Windows versions. We will keep on Improving and releasing more advanced features.

We, people at YouWave, are saddened by the passing of Steve Jobs. It is only Because of inspirations from great entrepreneurs That this company, YouWave, exists today.

Usually people search for an APK file using the terms related to That particular app. Here is one tip to help you quickly find an app.

To search for an apk file, knowing the filename is the key. To find out the filename, you can go to and get the description of the app. For example, for DirecTV app, type in "DirecTV" in and get the link about this app - #. The filename is right there on the URL - com.directv.dvrscheduler. Now you have the keyword "dvrscheduler". Add this keyword to your search terms and you Will find the apk files in no time.

Key Features :

· Supports Android 2.3 Gingerbread
· Simulated SD card functionality - enables saving games
· Saved State - enables fast restart
· Enables multi-player online games
· Dynamic rotating - phone-like instant response
· Volume control buttons
· Retractable control panel


· Intel Pentium 1.6GHz CPU
· 500MB of disk space

How To Install Android Application Glance (. Apk) at YouWave:

First of course you search first Android application, can search on google om. File extension. Apk (example: Calculator.apk)
Then Run YouWave Android - Choose FILE - Path to Apps ... - Then select the location where the earlier application.
then OPEN
So in YouWave application icon will appear - click 2X - Automatic Install
Be enjoyed.

Sorry can not make a screenshot for how to install Android applications in detail due to time constraints, I will discuss later in the next post.

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